Our weight increased after the run yesterday and thou we have been jogging for 4 days in the past week. And my dear boy was super irritated with that.
Most likely, its the steamboat we had last night.
We are like hungry ghosts after the race. haha!
It was our first time joining a 10.4km race and Im happy with the timing. And, I a few sec faster than my dear boy! WAHAHA!
Ok la, maybe the rest of the runners blocked his way so he din manage to catch up with me. *Sound better, Mr Aw? hee*
Anyway, both of us were happy that we managed to jog throughout the race and finally completed it. :)
Our sweaty, tired faces and messy hairs.

And we are happy to receive our 'medals' -________-

Some of you might know; on some occasion, there are car boot sales and flea markets holding at East Coast Park (near Bigsplash) on weekends. We thought of having one on coming weekend for selling our items or rather publicize our logo(aliitle). haha.
So we went over to survey the place after the race.
The place was indeed hot and there aren't many shoppers? Actually, We already expected such a turnout.. Who would like to shop under a scorching sun and a non-air conditioned with no shelter?
Well, I saw a few maids only. hmm..
A rental of $80 for 2 days, exclude rental of tentage and with such a small crowds.
So most likely, we might drop off the idea and find other fleas instead.